Balkan Services: Leading Bulgarian experts met online and discussed Business Intelligence technologies role in more successful company management

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Bulgarian consultancy company Balkan Services was an official partner of an online meeting of experts in the area of Business Intelligence (BI) technologies. The event was organized by ICT Media and was  held on Tuesday, 5th of July, at 10.30 on the website Balkan Services was represented by Vladimir Rashev, a managing partner on the company and an expert with many years of experience in dozens of BI systems implementations in the country.

“Business Intelligence technologies have the potential to increase the company efficiency and the quality of the management decisions allowing managers at all levels to be informed in real time what happens in their organizations or units and to take out a variety of key performance indicators. Shortly after BI systems are being implemented they could reach better performance and optimize company costs at the same time thus beginning to disburse at the moment they start to work for the client. All that makes BI extremely valuable in nowadays insecure economic environment and I believe thit class of business software could play an important role in a future long-term economic growth in the forthcoming years. A growth which can be driven mainly by reaching an optimal efficiency inside the companies”, said Vladimir Rashev.

During the online meeting was discussed topics such as how to achieve optimal management reporting, saving time in structuring the reporting requirements, quality of the analysis to minimize errors in the use of various operational reports.

The first panel was on “Making important decisions through BI” and  addressed questions related to the definition of reporting requirements, is the reporting in modern BI systems structured and standardized and who should perform it, how it should look- static reports, graphical information, who must prepare the analysis, interactive tools for analysis, who is responsible for compiling the reports, is there a risk to the confidentiality of data processed or inaccurate analysis, quality of generated reports and the resulting analysis and others.

In the second panel, “The positive impact of BI technologies on successful company development”, participants  focused on issues of binding the operation with the BI strategy; in what way different departments use the analyzed information – the main asset they have, how to obtain updated information on current state of the business through BI; predicting and doubling the profits by BI – ROI and more.

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