DDB Sofia wins the international pitch for Chipita 7 days

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Strong competition points out DDB Sofia’s idea to be the best.  

The concept of DDB Sofia is My 7 days in 60 seconds – in a visually attractive way the viewer witnesses 7 days of a teenager’ life – vivid, breathless, fast pace narrative of dynamic, colorful, surprising bits of life the croissant gives energy for.

The commercial will run on 19 different markets and it will go on air in Bulgaria on Saturday, March 6th.

The creative idea is of DDB Sofia’s; director of the TVC is Jan Gleie – the most successful Danish commercial director, Cannes award winner; director of photography is Frederic Jacoby from Los Angeles; the art direction is of a London stylists. The shooting took place in Lisbon, the editing – in Copenhagen, the music is composed and mastered in Greece.

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