Eurofast sponsored the 1st Regional B2B Business Forum France/Southeastern Europe organized by the French Agency for International Business, UBIFRANCE on the 4th, 5th and 6th of July, 2012, in Sofia.
This event aimed to promote business and partnership between French companies and companies from Bulgaria as well as all over Southeastern Europe. Altogether 13 countries were involved, includingAlbania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, France, FYROM, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, and 220.
More than 50 French companies participated, with 170 companies from the Southeast Europe region.
This First Regional B2B Forum showed the interest of French companies for the Southeastern Europe Region and placed Bulgaria in the heart of the Region as a place for international business.
Eurofast Global took part as partner at the event. Mr. Panayiotis Diallinas, Regional Director of Eurofast Global, was in the panel during the workshop: “Business Environment in Southeastern Europe” covering aspects on fiscality, legislation and circulation of goods, gathering an audience of over 50 participants.
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