As of July 1, GLOBUL users may opt for the new Travel & Surf service which offers the most affordable mobile internet roaming bundles on Bulgarian market.
Travel & Surf is offered in the countries within the Europe 1 zone which includes all EU member states as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein and also in the Europe 2 zone countries, namely Albania, FYROM, Turkey, Croatia and Serbia. GLOBUL users may choose a daily or a weekly bundle of choice depending on their roaming destination and expected.
For travelling and roaming within the Europe 1 zone, GLOBUL offers the daily Travel & Surf Europe 1 S bundle with 5 МВ of mobile internet in roaming at just BGN 5.90 and the daily Travel & Surf Europe 1 М bundle with 15 MB of mobile internet traffic at BGN 12.90. Both bundles are valid for 24 hours. The weekly bundle Travel & Surf Europe 1 L gives 50 МВ of mobile internet in roaming for e period of seven days at just BGN 32.90.
For roaming in the Europe 2 zone, GLOBUL offers the daily Travel & Surf Europe 2 S bundle with 5 МВ of traffic in roaming at BGN 13.90 and the daily Travel & Surf Europe 2 M with 15 МВ for BGN 35.90. The weekly Travel & Surf Europe 2 L bundle comes with 50 МВ for BGN 112.90.
Customer who would like to activate a Travel & Surf bundle have to dial free of charge *105# on their handsets, press the dial button and follow the instruction on the display. Activation of the service is also possible via sending a free of charge SMS to short number 1212. Direct purchase of a Travel & Surf mobile internet roaming bundle is possible by send a text message to the number of the respective bundle.
The Travel & Surf is available in the networks of 110 operators in more than 40 European countries and is part of Deutsche Telekom’s group wide initiative to make using mobile internet abroad easier and less expensive. The offer will be available this summer in ten countries where Deutsche Telekom has a presence. It does not require selection of preferred networks and can be used on both mobile phones and portable computers.
Travel & Surf users may manage their mobile internet roaming bundles via the dedicated mobile portal which will be accessible via a special link, sent within the bundle purchase confirmation SMS. In this portal, users may purchase new bundles or check the status of activated bundles free of charge.
As of July 1, GLOBUL will also introduce new and lower roaming prices for calls within the EU. GLOBUL subscribers will pay BGN 0.822 per minute for outgoing calls, and incoming calls will be charged at BGN 0.258 per minute. The price of a text message sent while roaming will remain unchanged at just BGN 0.25.
The new roaming prices follow the EU roaming regulation requirements and are valid for all GLOBUL subscribers in the EU countries as well as in Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein. As before, all GLOBUL subscribers traveling in the EU will receive SMS notifications with information on roaming prices.
All prices are VAT inclusive.