GLOBUL has always been following a consistent policy regarding the automatic renewal of contract for telecommunication services. Ever since this practice was introduced to the market by the main competitor and long before the current public discussion on the issue, GLOBUL warned against it and called to the regulators to take a stance.
When this did not happen, GLOBUL was forced to introduce automatic renewal clauses in the service contracts of its clients in order to protect its market position.
GLOBUL believes that the Mobiltel EAD’s decision to remove automatic contract renewal for new subscribers is not solution to the problem.
Therefore, in accord with GLOBUL’s consistent policy on this issue and with the position that the company had expressed many times GLOBUL will remove the automatic contract renewal clause from the contracts of its new customers as of April 5, 2011 and will abolish the clause from the contracts of its existing subscribers whenever Mobiltel EAD does so.
Аs GLOBUL reported a week ago, new subscribers may also opt for the new and unique GLOBUL WELCOME GUARANTEE which allows clients to terminate their contracts without penalties and with a refund of the monthly fee if they are not fully satisfied with quality of the GLOBUL services and products.