HBCB General Assembly 2015

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HBCB General Assembly took place on the 02th of April 2015 at Sofia Hotel Balkan. More than 52 members gathered to vote for one vacant position in the board and to review the results of 2014. The Agenda of the General Assembly was as follows:

1. Discussion and adoption of the report on the activity of the Board of Directors of the Association during the year of 2014.
2. Approval of the annual financial statement of the Association for year 2014.
3. Releasing from liability the members of the Board of Directors for their activity during the year of 2014.
4. Discussion and adoption of the budget of the Association for the year 2015.
5. Releasing of a member of the Board of Directors.
6. Election of a new member of the Board of Directors.

After voting, the Board members were released from liability unanimously.

We are proud to welcome on HBCB Board of Directors  Mr. Anastasios Stamoulis – Chief Financial Officer, Coca Cola Hellenic Bulgarian, Sofia, Bulgaria.
HBCB would like to thank its patron companies Alpha Bank Bulgaria, Chipita Bulgaria, Coca Cola HBC, Eko Petroleum, Sofia Hotel Balkan, United Bulgarian Bank for their invaluable support.

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