Over 800 members and friends of the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria gathered at Sheraton last night to raise a toast to a successful and eventful year at the HBCB Annual New Year’s party. This year’s event featured a festive program, vassilopita cutting and a lot of exciting prizes. The HBCB party provided an excellent opportunity to meet old and new friends and welcome the 2012 with style!
The event was opened by the HBCB Chairman Mr. Stamatios Theodoropoulos, who welcomed the guests, thanked them for the commitment to HBCB mission and the continuous support and wished them a Happy New Year, full of health, family peace and creativity. He stressed that the Greek companies have a significant contribution to the economic activity in the country with their modern and innovative products, new methods of production land. The HBCB Chairman pointed out two indicative numbers: 35,034 is total amount of employed people in companies, members of HBCB as of end-October 2011, 57 million BGN is the relevant social insurance for 2010.
“I wish you a Happy New Year, a year full of positive activity” said the new Ambassador of Greece to Bulgaria, H. E. Mr. Thrasivoulos Stamatopoulos, who landed in Bulgaria just 48 hours before. He assured the Greek business community that the Embassy and himself will be always at their disposal.
Among the distinguished guests were also the Ambassador of Cyprus in Sofia H.E. Mr. Stavros Amvrosiou, the President of Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov, the Director of Bulgaria Invest Agency Mr. Borislav Stefanov, the Head of the Economic & Commercial Section of the Embassy of Greece Mrs. Yoanna Sotirakou, the Consul General of Greece in Plovdiv, Mr. Nikolaos Piperigos, representatives of the government and other officials.
The fabulous event was completed with cocktail reception, great live music and vassilopita. The deep jazz music by Neven Petrov with Retroblu took care for the mood of the guests. The festive music was complemented with live show and dance performance by Fresh Swing Dancers.
According to our annual tradition, the vassilopita, provided by Alma Libre, was cut for health and prosperity. Lucky guests found in their prizes: – 2 accommodations in the Euphoria Club Hotel & SPA, Borovets, 2 accommodations in Semantron traditional Village, Peloponnese – Greece provided by GEK Terna Group, accommodation in Halkidiki, provided by Meli tours, accommodation in Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena – Bansko, accommodation in Premier Luxury Mountain Resort in Bansko, 2 tickets Sofia-Athens-Sofia of Olympic Air and two Sunday brunches in Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan.
We would like to thank all the members of HBCB, our friends. Our special thanks goes to the sponsors. Such a wonderful evening wouldn’t have been possible without your help: Globul, Germanos, UBB, Alpha Bank, as well as Aktor, Alexandris Engineering, Baker Tilly Klitou, Belana, Chipita, DDB, Drujba Glassworks, Emporiki Bank, ICAP, IKEA, Intracom, Intralot, KLC, Melon, Nikas, Orbit, PIC CO, Unicredit Bulbank, Zlatna panega Beton, Zlatna panega Cement, Coca Cola Hellenic, Ouzo 12, Congress Engineering and All Channels Communications.
We are glad that each year this event receives more and more attention and we hope the tradition will stay alive for years to come. Thank you all so much and see you next year.