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On November 28th, 2016  the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria together with the Federation of industries of Northern Greece- SBBE hosted a meeting with Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the leader of the main opposition party in Greece – New Democracy, in the presence of His Excellencies the Ambassadors of Greece and Bulgaria,
More than 100 Greek entrepreneurs currently active in Bulgaria and a delegation from Northern Greece had the chance to listen from Mr. Mitsitakis the New Democracy plan for the recovery of the Greek economy and the creation of a stable business climate that will enhance growth opportunities and attract new investments.
Mr. Mitsotakis specifically stated “The transformation of the Greek economy goes through openness and credibility, by providing the opportunity for Greek companies to develop a stable growth plan for their mother companies in Greece and at the same time expand in new markets. This will lead to the creation of added value and will have greater benefits for employees and shareholders. Therefore, New Democracy has an extended plan of offering specific motives; such is the decrease in the intolerable current taxation”.
He also underlined the issue of brain drain from: “Hundreds of thousands of people leave Greece looking for jobs in Bulgaria or other countries. To prevent that, new very high-quality jobs positions must be created through an investment boom in the private sector in Greece. Second, those who were forced to leave the country, gain experience and once they are given to opportunity to return and work in the country again, their experience will prove to be very beneficial for our economy”.
Mr. Mitsotakis finally pinpointed the good relations between Greece and Bulgaria and expressed the need for a close mutual beneficial collaboration.
The Chairman of the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria Mr. Stamatios Theodoropoulos welcomed the visit of the leader of the main opposition party and emphasized on the long-time experience of the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria- representing the both big and smaller Greek investors- and the fact that despite the crisis, Greece is ranked fourth in the list of foreign investors in Bulgaria, with more than 160 Greek companies investing in the country and more than 40 000 job positions.
HBCB Chairman also pointed on that Greek companies in Bulgaria and worldwide have been actively working for the development of the Greek economy. Most of them have been engaged in the export and re-export of Greek goods, in transferring and utilizing knowledge and technological equipment, developing business models based on the competitive advantages of both sides, and very often in recent years supported by financial resources of parent companies.
Mr.  Theodoropoulos also highlighted the fact, that Greek companies that operate legally outside Greece, are contributing on development of the Greek economy and should not be attacked, as it has often been the case lately and concluded “Mr. Mitsotakis, we all wish you to follow with great devotion the road of reforms, leading to fast growth and do your best to create a Greece a climate of understanding and collaboration between all political forces, leading to a single national strategy to secure our position in Europe and end with the recession and the crisis”

The President of the Federation of industries of Northern Greece Mr. Athanasios Savvakis also delivered a congratulatory speech to Mr. Mittsotakis, the official guests and the members of the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria.

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