Mtel’s Management Board to Meet with Their Clients

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The products and services of the company will be the main topic of the discussion
Mtel is the first telecom in the country, whose management will meet face to face with its clients in order to discuss the products and services offered by the company. The meeting is planned to take place at the end of May at Mtel’s headquarters in Sofia.
The goal of the event is for the customers to share their opinion, ideas and suggestions about the company directly with its executive directors. Starting from April 28th everyone who wants to take part in the meeting can sign up by completing a survey on Mtel’s website. 20 of them will be chosen to meet Mtel’s management.
The survey will segregate the participants through questions about their age and their use of various products and services of the company. The 20 people who will meet Mtel’s Management Board will be chosen so that they correspond as closely as possible to the full gamut of Mtel clients in Bulgaria.
The 20 clients will additionally be taken on a visit to Mtel’s Call Center to see the people, whose voices they hear every time they call *88. The meeting will conclude with a visit to Mtel’s Network Operations Center, which keeps everyone in the country connected 24/7.

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