Postbank Wins SABRE Award at Prestigious PR Competition

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Postbank is a winner of a SABRE award within the frameworks of this year’s edition of the prestigious international competition for PR excellence. The bank won the top prize in the category for “Poster, calendar, photography” where winners were announced ahead of the award ceremony to be held on the 18th of May in Prague. The award was given for Postbank’s 2010 Corporate Calendar which was part of the bank’s “Green Start with Postbank” campaign aimed at raising awareness for environmental protection. The calendar’s theme was ‘junk art’, presenting seemingly useless household items in a new light.  

In addition to the announced prize, two more Postbank CSR projects are finalists in categories in which winners will be announced in Prague. The “High Start with Postbank” project was nominated in the category “Public education”. The other nominated initiative of the bank is the “Cross safely” campaign in the category “Regional campaigns: The Balkans”.

On April 11 during the official annual awards ceremony of the Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA) the “High Start with Postbank” program already won the third place prize in the “Innovative Campaign of the Year” category.

High Start with Postbank is a program that aims to support secondary education in Bulgaria. In 2010 students from eighth to twelfth grade in high schools and specialized schools of 164 cities in Bulgaria participated in the sixth edition of the program. Nearly 2,000 high school students submitted essays on the topic “Chase boredom out of school” with their ideas for the development of secondary education in the country.

Cross safely is aimed at restoring crosswalks and increase the vigilance of the people on the road. In 2010 during the project crosswalks in Sofia, Varna, Stara Zagora and Vratsa were refurbished and in cooperation with the Traffic Police Department, an information booklet with tips on road safety and accident prevention was printed.

Green Start with Postbank is an internal campaign that promotes eco-friendly conduct and is a part of the bank’s sustainable business strategy. The awarded calendar presents an unusual approach to reusing materials to protect the environment.

The EMEA SABRE Awards are the leading forum in the field of PR and communications with a history of nearly 10 years. Prizes are awarded by the Holmes Group (Holmes Group) – a world leader in the field of PR research, expertise and analysis of global trends in the field of public relations. This year the winners and nominated projects were selected by a jury of over 35 members, including communications professionals from various industries and some of the key global companies, agencies and independent companies in the field of public relations.

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