UniCredit Consumer Financing provides special conditions for consumer loans in BGN. By the end of the year the customers of the company can benefit from a special “Promo” offer with flat interest rate of 9.99%, whereby the minimum amount of the loan is BGN 7 thousand, and the maximum is BGN 35 thousand. The requirement is for the applicants to have a minimum net monthly inform above BGN 600 and to receive their salary on account with UniCredit Bulbank.
In order to facilitate consumer loans applicants, UniCredit Consumer Financing finances the loan management fee and the insurance against death, accident and unemployment. In addition the interest is flat for the whole 10-year period. Thus the initially agreed monthly installment remains unchanged throughout the whole period of the loan and the customers can easily plan their costs and avoid burdens for the family budget in the future.
UniCredit Consumer Financing has also developed a special product for the free lanced customers called “UniPractica”. The proposal is for doctors, dentists and accountants, and declared income of up to BGN 1,500 is accepted without documentary proof.