Globul Supports Day Center For Youths With Intellectual Difficulties

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GLOBUL supported the establishment of the first Day Center for vocational education of youths with intellectual difficulties in Sofia. The center was created under a project by the Maria’s World Foundation and was inaugurated today by Sofia Mayor Mrs. Yordanka Fandukova and GLOBUL Corporate Affairs Director Mr. Yassen Guev.

The day center will welcome young people with mild intellectual deficiencies and will assist them building their independent life, their communication and team work skills and will also give them opportunity to practice their vocational skills. The Day Center will also soon open a special Protected Café where center clients will serve foods and beverages, produced by themselves.
“As a company GLOBUL has always regarded charity and sponsorship not as a simple act of financial support but as an investment in society, as a contribution in the future and the well-being of the community. I would like to congratulate the foundation for the effort they put in preparing the center and to wish luck to them and to the young people who will work here”, commented Mr. Guev during the opening ceremony.
"This center would not be possible without the generous, timely and unconditional support by GLOBUL, who provided added their financial contribution to the money we have raised. We would like to thank GLOBUL for their appreciation and for caring about the people with intellectual deficiencies”, said Mrs. Tsetska Radeva, Maria’s World Foundation director.
Full details on the Day Center, the activities of the Maria’s World Foundation and their current fund-raiser is available at

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