Contract Insurance Brokers LTD was established in 2009 and was licensed under the number 175-3B by the Financial Control Committee CFN.
It is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, and its main shareholder is the Company under the name "Contract S.A. Insurance & Financial Services ", which is among the top insurance companies in the Greek insurance market.
Its purpose is to serve Hellenic Businesses operating in Bulgaria.
Our philosophy and main care is the full assurance of the interests of our clients and the possibility of assuming any insurance risk.
To achieve our goal, we are working with leading insurance Companies and we are active in all insurance sectors.
HBCB primary mission is to foster a bilateral dialogue between key business and government decision makers, thus encouraging progressive economic policies in both countries.
1-V Oborishte str., fl. 4, 1504 Sofia
Tel. +359 2 950 24 40/41/42
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