KLC Law Firm takes part in Black Sea Business Forum ”The New Era of Green Entrepreurship”, Thessaloniki- Greece

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KLC Law Firm participated in the “Black Sea Business Forum”, organized by SEV and Federation of Industries of Northern Greece and under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Black Sea Trade and Development Bank. Mr. George Ftikas, senior associate, made a presentation entitled “RES in Bulgaria: Recent developments in view of the new Law.”

SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING) jointly organised the major international event BLACK SEA BUSINESS FORUM: The new era of green entrepreneurship” on November 26th in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Forum took place in parallel to the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization-BSEC in the framework of the Hellenic Chairmanship in the 2nd semester of 2010, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic.

This business gathering of stake holders of the Black Sea region provided participants with the unique opportunity to gain knowledge on challenges and opportunities ahead regarding green development and business prosperity in the wider area.

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