Mobile Calls And Data Coverage Available In Sofia Subway

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Commuters now can make calls and surf the internet while riding the trains on all lines of Sofia Subway and the service is available to customers of all three operators – GLOBUL, Mtel and VIVACOM, Sofia Mayor Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova and Metropoliten AD chief executive Stoyan Bratoev, told at a news conference held today in Sofia.
Mobile voice and data services are available to commuters on stations and in the subway tunnels. The network provides up to 42 Mbps download and 5.76 Mbps upload speed which allows them to make voice calls, watch movies, listen to music or play games online and in real time. The network has enough capacity to service all of the 450 thousand daily passengers of Sofia Subway.
Telecom services are available on all of the 23 existing subway stations and 36 km of tracks. Stations and routes, currently under construction will be also covered by the network in due time.
The three mobile operators share the subway mobile network. Mobile antennae service the stations while the tunnels are being covered by cable. So far, GLOBUL, Mtel and Vivacom had invested about EUR 1.7 million in the subway mobile network which was implemented by Ericsson.

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