The largest specialized store for photography equipment and accessories, PhotoSynthesis, implemented Atlantis ERP to manage all of its products and services. Apart from specialized equipment sales, the system also serves the activities at the print center for high-quality wide-format printing, galleries, art cafe and second-hand equipment store. Balkan Services is a partner to the company and the system's integrator.
"Aside from the initial stress related to a new logic, new interface and change in old habits, many of the people did not undergo significant changes. They had new activities added, which could not be done in the system before, they were only kept in hard copy and then "the accountants should do their job". For key persons, however, the change is significant. Processes that were "non-monitorable" before are now traceable. Some activities that took much time in the past are now completed more quickly. And the most important thing is that right away we've got new ideas on what to do more in order to develop further", Ivelina Krasteva, IT Specialist at Amperel OOD, said.
The implemented solution Atlantis ERP covers all company activities—finance, accounting, production, wholesale and retail, services and business analysis for the managing body. For the PhotoSynthesis needs, except for pay desk sales and back office functionalities, Atlantis ERP covers all other company activities ensuring order, good accountability and easier planning. Insurance service and second-hand photography equipment store represent specific cases. The project's first stage is one-side integration with the online store. Information is submitted by the ERP system to the site and is updated at a client-defined time interval. This allows the pricing, stock, and promotions' data on the site to be up-to-date at all times.
During the project's second stage, full integration of Atlantis ERP with the company site is planned. This way the product order and delivery process will get fully automated.
"The biggest challenge to the implementation of Atlantis ERP at PhotoSynthesis was the fact the company offers various services and uses specific art approach to its customers. We definitely had a non-standard and complex project, but eventually we were able to unite serving all company activities in one system.", said Slavi Slavov, Head of ERP Department at Balkan Services.