For the twelfth consecutive year, ICAP CRIF in Bulgaria organize awarding ceremony to distinguish the most successful companies in Bulgaria for 2023 year: “TRUE LEADERS 2023 Awarding Ceremony”
This year the event will be held on Wednesday, 11th of December at 6:00pm in Hotel Hilton Sofia.

The event will consist of a welcome drink, the awarding ceremony and a gala dinner.
ICAP CRIF (previously ICAP S.A. group of companies), with 60 years of successful presence in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus, is the market leader in Credit Risk & Business Information Solutions in Southeastern Europe.
As of December 23rd, 2021, ICAP CRIF is a wholly owned company of CRIF. It is an important regional hub within CRIF Group and is organized and operates as a single entity under one common Management Team.
ICAP CRIF provides innovative solutions to a wide range of business challenges, which are grouped into 5 categories: Business Information & Credit Risk Solutions, Credit Rating Agency Services, Marketing & Sales Solutions, Technology Solutions & Advanced Analytics and Consulting Services.
ICAP CRIF S.A., is the only company in Greece that has been recognized as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) by the Bank of Greece, as well as, certified as a Credit Rating Agency (CRA), by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
The “True Leaders” initiative awarded for 12th consecutive year in Bulgaria, all companies that succeeded to stand out on the basis of multiple objective criteria, (based on officially published data for 2023), without considering an opinion of a committee or of a voting procedure.
TRUE LEADERS are the companies that:
- Are among the 300 most profitable companies for 2023
- Have an increase or retention of the number of employees (2023 vs 2022)
- Have high creditworthiness (ICAP CRIF Credit Score from A1 to B2)
- Are leaders in their sector