We invite you to join the open online SLII® Model training in English, organized by Blanchard Bulgaria. The program will be delivered via ZOOM on June 20-21, 2022 by Antony Demetriou, Master Trainer for The Ken Blanchard Companies.
SLII®, the most widely used leadership training program in the world, teaches leaders how to build meaningful connections with coworkers that create exponential impact. When this happens, employees are more productive and engaged. And their organizations excel. SLII® is far more than a powerful leadership training program. It delivers exceptional ROI across the enterprise.
For detailed information about the program, please follow the links: https://blanchard-bg.com/bg/produkti-i-uslugi/slii/ and https://www.kenblanchard.com/Solutions/SLII
For inquiries and enrollment: info@blanchard-bg.com or 0898 400 150, 0888 400 150.