Environment Min. discusses transfer and early retirement plan options with PPC union

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The workers union of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) met with Environment & Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis on Monday to discuss staff options during the power company’s transition away from lignite mining and use.

In particular, GENOP-DEI union members said they wanted more flexibility in staff transfers between PPC, its subsidiary DEDDIE (the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator) and the  Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMIE).

Numbers on acceptance of early retirement packages at PPC’s lignite units are not available, as the program is ongoing, while  connectivity works for the Cycladic Islands, Crete and the Dodecanese Islands will shift needs away from power production units  to networks.

GENOP said it was happy about the terms of the early retirement packages on offer, but requested more details on future job needs to help staff decide on whether to remain or to accept the pension incentives.

According to sources, the workers’ requests for a higher ceiling in wages and the reinstitution of special pricing on power provided to PPC workers were rejected.

In statements following the meeting, Hatzidakis pointed out that government policy for workers was positive, as last year they faced the possibility of the company’s bankruptcy. Today, he said, PPC has been given a viability certificate, its credit rating is better and its share price is considerably higher.

“Everything indicates that PPC is on the right path, and this results in a positive message for workers too,” the minister said.

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